A fresh start
A new logo was born out of a genuine desire of many students (and teachers) of Religious Studies
to regain our interconnectedness. During the pandemic, contact among students decreased.
Many of us now feel less connected to the studies than before – something the new board of
2022/2023 wants to change. This new logo symbolizes this desire and need for change as a
prospect of community.
The idea for this logo was born a few years ago already, by one of our former fellow
students Nina XXX. She sketched out this beautiful ouroboros, based on a cover design of a
1997 publication of Ars Notoria, a core text of Solomonic magic and also the grimoire our study
association is named after. 2 years ago Laura Schermer made it into a proper logo, with bold
lines and bright colours.
Now, I was asked to give my twist to it. I wanted to keep the ouroboros out of respect for the designs of my fellow students but also because, coincidentally, it perfectly symbolizes what ARS Notoria stands for: connectedness, oneness, and community. ARS Notoria is where we discuss and share on a more personal note, where we discover new horizons by direct engagement and with respect for each other’s unique individuality. This is also symbolized in the logo by the twisted body of the ouroboros – every person is a world of their own, therefore spinning around their own axis.
I hope you all like it and are looking forward to many more amazing visits to religious and spiritual places, conversations with interesting people, and a good drink now and then.
Hopefully, see you there!
With gratitude, Spiral Flower Studio // Roosje Rutten